Changyu Dongtian Scenic Area
  • Changyu Dongtian Scenic Area
  • Changyu Dongtian Scenic Area
  • Changyu Dongtian Scenic Area
  • Changyu Dongtian National Mineral Mountain Park

  • Name in Chinese :常屿硐天国家矿山公园

  • Opening Hours:07:30 –17:00

  • Admission Fee:200 RMB

  • Telephone:+86 576 8659 8151

  • Address:Amidst Changyu Dongtian Scenic Area, Xinhe Town, Wenlin City, Zhejiang


Changyu Dongtian National Mineral Mountain Park, located in the southeast of Wenling City, Zhejiang, is a vast mineral cavern left from exploitation. Covering a large area of 16.18 sq. km., it consists of four scenic areas, Baxian (Eight Celestials) Rock, Shuangmen (Double Gate) Cave, Chongguo Temple as well as Wild Mountain. It is investigated that it has experienced a more-than-one-thousand-and-five-hundred-year exploitation history and left 28cavern groups and 1314 caverns in total. It broke a Guiness World Record in 1998, was listed as World Geopark and national scenic area in 2002, and was reputed as one of the "Ten Most Distinctive Scenic Areas" by the Ministry of Construction in 2007.

Artificial though it is, the park seems more like a masterpiece of nature. Until now, on account of the protection of the environment, only several attractions has been open to tourists, such as Baxian (Eight Celestials) Rock, Shuangmen (Double Gate) Cavern, Linxiao Temple, Guanxi Cavern, Shuiyun Cavern, Shuangmen Grotte as well as Panda Museum, collecting magnificence, risk, oddity, ingenuity and tranquity. It not only is well-preserved with the magnificent scale and luxuriant vegetation, but also boasts abundant stone culture, worthy of leisure vacation.