hangzhou shuangxi rafting
  • hangzhou shuangxi rafting
  • hangzhou shuangxi rafting
  • hangzhou shuangxi rafting
  • Shuangxi Rafting Tourist Spot

  • Name in Chinese :杭州双溪漂流

  • Opening Hours:8:00-17:00

  • Admission Fee:

  • Telephone:+86 571 88501938

  • Address:Jingshantown,Yuhang


Located in Shuangxi, over 30 kilometers’ northwest of Hangzhou, Shuangxi Rafting Tourist Spot is a National AAAA Level scenic spot, and many people regard it as "the best rafting in East China". It is a hot tourist destination, especially in summer with its cool waters, fresh air, bamboo woods and superior natural environment, attracting tens of thousands of visitors for holidays.

The natural scenery here is graceful and features crystal clear streams and dense bamboo forests. The bamboo is lush green, stretching for over 10 kilometers, forming a long green barrier. The cool water is clear and fresh, with fish and stones visible at the bottom. With water flowing smoothly and calmly, many people hold the idea that drifting along the river on bamboo raft while enjoying the picturesque scenery makes for the happiest time in summer. In addition, visitors can have the chance to ride on an ox cart to experience rural life.

Shuangxi Rafting Tourist Spot is also famous for its splendid tea culture. Numerous ancient poets and scholars have settled here in history, leaving behind countless of essays and poems, among which Lu Yu is the most famous one. Lu Yu was respected as the “Sage of Tea” for his great book the Classic of Tea, which was written in Shuangxi. Shuangxi boasts a sophisticated tea culture and has its own mountain tea garden. When one is here, it’s not a bad idea to have a cup of traditional Chinese tea by the stream in cool bamboo woods and soak in the historical vibe of the area.